Game & App Design - Mr. Robison
What began as a graphic design class quickly evolved into a game and app design class. Mr. Robison had originally been asked to create a graphic design class for our media department back in 2012. However, he had begun dabbling into coding his own apps and games over that school year and had developed a growing passion for it. And so by 2013 we decided it would be best to explore the concept that games can be educational. The rest is history...
The final project for Media Design is a video game designed to promote a global issue taught earlier in the class. Students propose an idea, do their research and complete a design proposal before designing the game and artwork to match the appropriate global issue theme.
The final project for Media Design is a video game designed to promote a global issue taught earlier in the class. Students propose an idea, do their research and complete a design proposal before designing the game and artwork to match the appropriate global issue theme.
100 Bullies
by Dylan Hodges (7th grade) Global issue: Bullying / Cyber bullying Objective: You are a bystander, you must avoid the bullies and reach the end (informing the teacher that the bullying has occurred). Fire,Snow,Air (2014)
by Trevor Thornbury (7th grade) Global issue: Bullying / Cyber bullying Objective: Despite being self conscious and bullied, the main character overcomes his flaws and achieves greatness. |